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Saturday 30 September 2023

Quran Journaling Workshop


Quran journaling

On October 1st 2023, at the IFAM conference, I held a Quran journaling workshop for teen girls. I wanted to introduce more Muslims to the practice of reflecting on the Quran. To my surprise, even the boys turned up and wanted to learn. Alhamdulillah. It goes to show that reflecting on the Quran and Quran journaling are activities that all can participate in.

For this workshop, I chose from the Quran surah Yunus 10, verse 57: 
O mankind!Inded there has come to you a warning from your Lord, a cure for what is in the hearts, a guide and a mercy for the believers.
For the meaning of the verse, we used the tafsir from Ibn Kathir. I always stress that Quran journaling is about reflecting on the meaning and not about interpreting the meaning. The interpretation is taken from trustworthy scholars works. The reflecting part is when we sit and ponder over these interpretations and what it means to us and how we can apply it to our lives.

Quran journal Yunus 10:57

Reflecting on the Quran through journaling is a hands=on activity. The students loved it as it's not just sitting and listening to a lecture. They get to do as well and think. This is what makes it a great activity for teenagers.

students quran journaling

Here are some more pictures of another workshop that I did with teen girls. This one is more of a Quran art journaling. 

quran art journaling

quran art journaling

If your organisation is interested in haing Quran journaling workshops then please contact me.

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