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Friday 31 October 2014

Art and Craft Learning Activities for Young Children

There's something about making and creating that motivates both adults and children alike. In my prekindy classes I am constantly being questioned "Are we doing craft today?" and in the toddler classes I am always confronted with demands for "Painting! Painting!"  Which is often why most of the lessons have some form of art and craft in them. Below are some of the themes that I have found to be in common.

Saturday 18 October 2014

5 Steps to Goal Setting for Children to Get Their Homework Done

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What are the things that your children like to put off doing? Most likely it is doing their household chores or their homework. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get your children to do these things without having to nag them to it? If only they could just tidy their rooms by themselves, vacuum the floor and take out the garbage when they see that these things needs to be done. If only they could just sit at their desk, open their books and do their homework of their own accord.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Lesson From Hajj For Parents

Now that hajj is over and we’ve enjoyed a gathering of family and friends, it’s back to normal. Or is it? Have we learnt anything from why we celebrate Eid –ul-Adha every year?

The whole theme of hajj is sacrifice. Prophet Ibrahim (a) was asked to sacrifice his son, Prophet Ismail (a) while Prophet Ibrahim’s wife, Hajar, was asked to sacrifice comfort and safety when she and her baby Ismail were placed in the desert, in the middle of nowhere.

Friday 3 October 2014

My Favourite Dua for Children to Establish Regular Prayers

Today is the Day of Arafat. 

It is sunnah to fast for those of us not making the hajj. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Fasting the day of 'Arafat expiates the sins of two years: a past one and a coming one. And, fasting the day of 'Aashura' (the tenth of the lunar month of Muharram) expiates the sins of the past year." (Reported by Muslim.)

The other sunnah is to make lots of dua. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "The best dua is the dua of Arafat." (Tirmidhi)
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