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Thursday 25 January 2018

Confident Children Have a Growth Mindset

Confident children aren't afraid of failing. They are risk-takers because they know that failures and mistakes are for learning. These things happen to help them get better at what they're doing. They have a growth mindset. They believe that they can succeed with the effort that they put into something.

On the other hand, children who are told that they're smart lack this confidence. They will always play it safe by doing things they already know they're good at. They avoid challenges and new experiences. By avoiding situations where they can fail, these children try to maintain the image that they're smart. They don't learn and grow. They have a fixed mindset.  They believe that they can succeed with their intelligence and talent.

The good news is that you, parents and teachers, can nurture a growth mindset in your children.
It's in the way that you praise them. Praising your child's efforts will lead to a growth mindset while  praising his/her intelligence and talent will lead to a fixed mindset. It's as simple as this.

Avoid all praises of intelligence and talent such as:
You're so smart!
You're so talented!
You're really good at maths.
You've got a natural talent for languages.
You're such an artist.
You're a natural!
You've so athletic!

Instead, you should focus on your child's efforts and give positive feedback on them, such as:
You're so thoughtful!
You're so persistent!
You've tried really hard and the result shows it.
You've figured it out.
You've solved the problem.
You've made a good choice.
You're on the right track.
You're improving every day.
You can do it!

If there's one thing you can start doing today then let it be this: remember to give feedback on effort. Write it up and stick it on a wall. Or you might like to download, print and colour this:
Growth mindset

Then select a phrase that you can use that focuses on effort so you can use every time your child shows you his/her work instead of the usual "That's so clever!" or "Good job!" (My personal favourite is "You did it!")

To read more, visit Mindset Works.
To teach children to have a growth mindset, you might like to buy this book with my affiliate link:

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